Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Teammate Spotlight: Sheldon Pon

Here's what Sheldon says about who he is:

I am a fourth year linguistics student attending the University of Calgary with one more full year to go, because it took me a couple of years to end up in the program. I really love what I am taking, and when I heard from Kevin Derksen about this trip to Cameroon at one of Wycliffe's cafe nights, I knew right away that this trip could be for me. I have never done any cross-cultural missions work and have wanted to for a while, so not only was this a good opportunity for that but also the trip is related to what I am studying, which is really exciting! I have been fascinated with the Bible translation process ever since I started to learn about Wycliffe, so being able to see a project in action and even assisting in some ways will truly be a great blessing and I am thankful for this opportunity.

I was always a little unsure as to what I would do with my degree and although I still haven't figure it out completely I think it would be awesome to work with Wycliffe, so this trip will not only be a great cross-cultural experience for me but also an eye-opener as to what it looks like to be a part of Wycliffe.

~ Sheldon

Check back for more spotlights coming up!

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Support Letter

Here it is... My letter telling you how to donate. Let me know if you have any questions!

Dear Friends and Family, 

Greetings! I want to share with you a tremendous opportunity that God has opened up to me to serve Him this summer. I will be travelling to Cameroon with a mixed Tyndale and Wycliffe Bible Translators team. Our role as a team will be to work alongside the translators and literacy workers in schools and churches to help increase momentum and raise the profile in the community for literacy and Scripture translation. Adapting to onsite teams’ activities we will assist in local literacy and Scripture Use programs. This may include, linguistic research, supporting local creative methods of Scripture engagement, leading Scripture studies and developing dramas. One key aspect of this cross-cultural experience will be interacting in village homes with local families along with one or two other team-mates, as well as language learning and engaging in local culture.

I am excited about the experience that lies ahead, both for ministry to others and for personal growth as I seek to communicate Christ cross-culturally. We recognize that our service needs to be supported in prayer and so would first ask you to consider joining our team in this regard. I will supply you with a schedule and prayer needs before I leave, and will share with you the blessings of what God accomplishes through us on our return. It would be great to have you minister with us through your prayers for the people of Cameroon.

We also have financial needs to cover the airfare, inoculations, room and board, health insurance and ministry costs of this trip. Each team member needs to raise approximately $3600, with half of it in place by the end of February to buy the air tickets. Please consider being a part of this mission team in this regard. If God leads you to participate with financial support, make your cheques payable to “Tyndale Foundation” and note ‘Cameroon Trip’ on the memo line. Include a separate note with my name on it for allocation toward our team fundraising efforts. As well you can now donate online at Once there, indicate that you would like to contribute to Greatest Need and in the comments section indicate it is for Missions along with my name. All donations for the student mission team are tax deductible and will be receipted accordingly. Thanks in advance for your prayers and financial support. May God richly bless you as you partner with us in this outreach opportunity.

In Christ, 

Karima Horton

Mail to: Student Life Dept.
Tyndale University College and Seminary, 25 Ballyconnor Crt., Toronto, ON, M2M 4B3

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Team Spotlight: Rebekah

We are quite officially a team and getting to know each other, so it is with great joy that I bring you the spotlight on Rebekah Schumacher.

So here is a little but about me. I am Rebekah Schumacher. I am 22 years old and just finishing up my BA in Linguistics at Trinity Western University (TWU) in Langley, BC. I've grown up here in Langley and so am still at home with my parents. I am the youngest of four siblings.

I was so excited when I read a short blurb about this trip back in November in an e-newsletter I recieve fom within the linguistics community at TWU. I knew I wanted to do a short term trip with Wycliffe at some point in the next year or so to explore more about how I could fit into the work that they do This blurb just jumped out at me as soon as I read Cameroon as I know a lady who is part of the Ndop Plains Cluster project currently working with the Bamakumbit language. I have been inspired by her work and her stories. I am so excited to be able to experience a bit of what her life is like and to allow God to direct me in what He may have for me to do in the future.

The timing and everything of the trip is just perfect as it is just after grad for me and I really did not have any clear plans in place yet. I did not have to go searching for this opportunity, God simply placed it in my lap for me to pursue. Now I must trust in his provision for the trip.

I am excited to see how God is going to work in and guide each one of us through this journey together.
