Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Entry Number One!

I just thought I'd start this blog because so many crazy things have been happening in the last week, and if all goes well in the next 9 days (!!), I'll be going to Cameroon this summer to work with Bible translators and will need a way to get the word out so I can share what needs prayer and have a way to receive donations, if God lays it on your heart to do something absolutely wonderful for me.

Here is what has happened, and check this crazy time frame! Monday night I receive an e-mail from my professor telling me about these missions trips Wycliffe is taking this summer as a way to reach out to the communities where they are helping translate the Bible. I told my dad about it Tuesday morning. Tuesday afternoon, he told my pastor at church and told me it sounded encouraging that my home church would get behind me on this, definitely prayerfully and maybe even financially. I also filled out an interest form and received the application for the trip at that time. Then I posted the link to the trip on Facebook, so people would know I was interested and maybe offer to support me. That night, I was super pumped and was talking to my brother about it, saying that it looked really promising and I'd probably be able to go, if I can finish the application and submit a $400 deposit in ten days time. And then I almost started crying, because my brother told me he would give me money. In 24 hours I already had a donor. I'm tearing up just thinking about it. God has blessed me so much with my family. I don't know how much he is going to give me, and I may still have to find some more for my deposit, but having my brother tell me he would support me was like God saying, "You're going on this trip. Congrats. I know you're super excited. Don't lose sight of me, though, because I can still take it away. But right now, I'm giving you the green light. Go for it." I mean, has that ever happened to you? Within 24 hours of thinking you might like to go somewhere, God gives you a donation and you realize it's probably going to happen? I feel so blessed. GOD IS GOOD! (ALL THE TIME!)

Now, on Wednesday, I have talked to one of the team leaders, and she seemed really positive. She liked my passion, and all I can say is, God gave it to me. I believe He has opened this door wide open for me, so I am getting behind this trip 100%. I am going to give my all in fundraising and helping find the rest of the people to complete the team. From the sounds of it, she really liked me, (I liked her, too, she seemed really nice and to have a heart for these people we are going to help.) and as long as my resources check out, I'll be going to Cameroon this summer. Oh man.

In my next post, I'll write more about what will actually happen in Cameroon and post an update on how the application process is going.

God, I just want to say, you are amazing. I will forever sing Your praises and share Your light to the nations. Please, let my feelings be correct that You want me to go. I pray to You for support and ask that You bring together a strong team, even if I am not on it. Please help reach these people and help the translators already there translate the Bible so these people can come to know You and Your awesome love.

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