Saturday, June 23, 2012


Tomorrow I leave for Kumbo! I think that’s how you spell it.

I met a lot of people today. Good news! I would’ve been friends with Julie. She’s pretty awesome. We walked roughly …4 miles? I’d say 4 miles. Together today, mostly uphill. She was about to die from the walk but I was fine. They were all shocked. I was like, “Whatevs. Go to Georgia. It’s all hills.” And, I only got two blisters, so I really was fine.

I also met a Swedish intern student who has been here a year. I’m jealous of her hair. She has these braids that are different colors… Her’s are only two colors, but I’ve seen some girls with more. Jealous. Once I’m more sure of my finances and my money from Wycliffe comes in, I will probably go get that done to my hair.

I slept so much yesterday that at 5 am my body did not want to sleep any more. How ridiculous is that? In Georgia, I was just going to bed at 3 am and now I can barely sleep past 5. Of course, I also don’t have the  internet to surf or a book to read and I’m going, going, going all day, so I go to bed as soon as they let us. Last night I was upset at myself for going to bed at 10. I thought for sure I’d be exhausted in the morning, but nope. I was fine and ready to go, which was a good thing, because we paraded to the dedication. It was long… But I already talked about that.

Is it bad that I feel like I could take a nap? I have a bottle of coke, so I’m trying to drink it so I won’t take a nap. I have to be up again at 5 tomorrow because we are leaving at 6. I’m traveling with a Canadian, so I’m kind of excited about that, if only because there will be fewer mis-communications. But really, it’s not so bad. I really, really, really wish I knew French, but there have only been a few awkward moments.

It’s so funny! It’s somewhere between 65-70 here and everyone is running around in scarves and sweaters, making out like it’s below freezing! I’m like, this is wonderful! I could do this all day! It’s not cold (I did get chilly last night, but then I had sheets to use) and it’s not hot. Honestly, if this is as bad as it gets cold-wise… I’m not sure I want to be here when it gets hot. Of course, when I told Julie what it was like in Georgia, that right now it’s consistently in the 90’s (which I converted to Celsius for her, go me), she was like, “whoa, that’s hot,” so it could be that I’d be fine. I dunno.

I still haven’t been able to get on the internet, but I’m going to a new place tomorrow and from what I hear I’ll be there awhile, so hopefully I will be able to find an internet café or the place where I’m staying (another center), will have internet.

Oh! Oh!! They said “The Lord is good, all the time. All the time the Lord is good!” And the whole crowd said it! I about jumped up and down like a crazy I was so excited. Nate and Ginny – they say it more in Cameroon than in our church! I hope I hear it more. I don’t know why it is so exciting when someone else says it, but I got all happy when I found out my roommate knew it, too.

It just started raining, out of nowhere. I hope it stops… We’re going to a cultural something or other at 3 (it’s 2:10) and it’d be lame if it was raining. I guess it is time to pull out my raincoat.


Well, I did not pull out my raincoat and I stayed perfectly dry. No, there were only two short showers, although from the looks of the clouds in the distance and the lightening in them, it may storm tonight.

I saw the funniest thing! At the cultural event they showed a bunch of videos showing the fruits of CABTALs labors (which are really awesome and something I should probably talk more about), so in one video they were talking about the some different denominations. When they were talking about the Baptists, they had a bunch of people laughing in a Baptismal. Then, they started talking about Presbyterians and I almost died. The video for Presbyterians was a bunch of people sitting calmly in the pews. I was like, yes! Stereotypes hold true worldwide!

Okay, it’s almost 9 and I have to be up at 5:30 and I still have to say good-bye to some people and get the receipt for my stay here. Good night!

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