Tuesday, February 25, 2014

What's gonna work? TEAMWORK!

I have some exciting news. I'm actually so thrilled about this. There are two more people coming on our Cameroonian adventure! I can't name any names, yet, but one person is one of my good friends. As soon as everyone turns in their forms and we get their names, I'll be posting a little bit about each person on the blog. This one! Right here! So you'd better stay tuned.

But for now I'll tell you a little bit about Adriana. She doesn't know I'm doing this, so she's probably going to be embarrassed. Sorry, Adriana!

I went to Alaska with Adriana last year, and let me tell you, she is a hoot. She's a third year Psych major at Tyndale and she has a heart for suffering people. She is very quiet and soft-spoken, but once she gets to know you she's not afraid to share her opinion on things, and she has some great opinions! (Honestly hilarious. I love her.)

She is a strong woman of God and I could always count on her to know of a book or a Bible verse to go with a situation. I remember when we were making our team covenant (a list of things we wanted to make sure we accomplished spiritually) last year, she brought verses in instead of her own thoughts.

Adriana has never been to Africa before, but she has been on a few missions trips (obviously, she went to Alaska). She's really excited to see what God has in store for her in Cameroon and to learn more about the work Wycliffe is doing.

She also knits and her scarves are beautiful and warm.

And that's Adriana in a very small nutshell. She's a wonderful young woman and a great addition to our team and I cannot wait!! to be working with her this summer.

Keep checking back for more updates on our team. God bless you and keep praying for Cameroon!

Thursday, February 6, 2014

We're ready to go! Kind of....

Well, I've been ready to go since I came back two years ago, if I'm being honest. If someone came up to me and said, "Hey, I have this plane ticket to Cameroon, but I can't go. Do you want it?" I would take it and leave so fast no one would know where I'd gone. Unfortunately, that hasn't happened, so I'm patiently waiting until the end of the semester until the whole team is ready and, you know, our finances come in and the people we're working with are actually ready for us to be there...

But the rest of the team has been chosen by Wycliffe!! Yay! There are eight people going in total. Seven girls and one boy. That'll be interesting. Jessica is leaving the application open for a couple more weeks to see if we can get any more guys. (So come on, guys. If you're reading this, take it as a sign that God wants you to apply.)  We're one step closer to actually leaving!! Once we're official, I'll take some time and introduce everyone on this blog so you can learn more about the team as a whole. But for now, you'll just have to be patient.