Saturday, June 23, 2012

Day 1....Or Day 2? I'm not sure.

Sorry this is so long! I’ll try to write less next time.

Day 1 (or has it been two days? I don’t really know)
Day 2

I fell asleep yesterday. I’m still pretty tired, but if I can sleep through the night tonight I should be fine in the morning.

Last night… they could not find the key to my room at the center, so I stayed at the general director’s house. That wasn’t bad at all. He has a Canadian wife and three adorable little kids who love guests. For anyone who knows the Knights – I promise you, they are the African equivalents of the Knight children. They read, the youngest is fairly quiet and when he wants something he looks at you with these big doe eyes, and the order is even the same – boy, girl, boy.  It’s pretty crazy. I hope I get to see them again before I leave.

Today we were up at 6 am, left at 6:30 and traveled until about one. I am now in Bamenda where CABTAL is having a get-together with people from all parts of CABTAL. Tomorrow they are having a ground-breaking ceremony for a new center (I think it’s a school) they are building here. I’m to attend that and then we’re going to see if the rest of the week we can do my training on the fly or, since I was supposed to be in Bamenda this week anyway, if I had come last Friday, they’re going to see if maybe I can go work with the translators anyway. Who knows what’s going to happen? I’ll get back to you on that.

I haven’t been able to connect to the internet yet (obviously, or you’d have read this June 17th), but that’s okay. I have my phone set up and I called my parents. Hopefully they let everyone know I’m alive and well. If not… Well, I am. I hope you know by now.

It’s 9 pm. I slept practically as soon as we got here at 1 until 6:40, then went to dinner. Then we had a prayer meeting and now it is bed time. Yay, bed time! I’ll write more tomorrow night and hopefully I’ll have more to say about what’s happening with me. Right now I’m going with the flow because they are trying to remake plans for me. We’ll see.

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