Monday, June 4, 2012

Two in one day!

Since it had been so long, I decided to write you not one, but two posts today. Yay!

But seriously now. I just found out my budget is $5,334 and I have $3,390. Taking a second to do the math.... That's $1,944 I still need. Oh my. Oh my, my, my, my. I leave on Friday. IF my visa comes in.

Ah! I can do this. Well, not me. God can do this. You can do this. If you want to donate and you are in the US, you can call 1-800-wycliffe and donate to Intern Sarah Horton, number 238952. If you want to donate online, you can go to click on missionary ministry at the side, "click here", because I'm not on the list, and then type in my info and my number. If you are in Canada that would probably be better because it'll come in right away and I won't have to worry about exchange rates. My Canadian number is 53692. You can go to and click Get Involved and then Give.

I'm not going to lie, this is me flat out asking anyone who reads this for money. It seems really boring and kind of selfish, but I so want to go on this trip. I want to be able to help and I want to be useful. I've worked so hard and seen so much come together. God could take away my opportunity, but it was such a difficult opportunity for me to get, I don't think He'd do that. If you want to see my passion and you want to know what I'm doing, read my previous posts, or e-mail me ( I'd love to share.

God, You are good, all the time. That's what I believed this morning and I still believe it now, but the way You work is scary. There are so many ups and downs and it's hard to see You work. I know you're there and You are going to provide for me. You can make my visa come in time and You can bring me the money. Please do. I've worked hard for this and I've watched You make all these things work out. Two months ago I didn't even think I was going to be able to go and now that I've come so far, I don't want to be there again. I want to go and do Your will and help and encourage people. I can't imagine staying home all summer and working, although if that's what You want me to do, I'll do that. Please bring in the money. Please help me get my visa. I lay everything in Your hands and ask that You work it all out for Your glory. Amen.

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